When we first checked out our new headphones, we noticed the box said “improved bass”. We had to wonder if this was marketing jargon or the real thing? But it only took a moment to realize that bass was not kidding.
104 см
70 см
105 см
30 кг
Максимальная нагрузка
до 140 кг
Сочетание букле и натуральной кожи
Премиальные материала с устойчивостью к загрязнениям, истиранию и высокая износостойкость.
BEAMOLE, нержавеющая сталь
Минимальная площадь соприкосновения, воздушное. Свободное пространство под креслом
Механизм управления
Синхронная регулировка угла наклона спинки и положения поддержки для ног с помощью петли, расположенной около правого подлокотника
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
We provide companies and institutions with legal service for business and private clients
This service includes:
corporate finance
regulatory issues and compliance
placement and listing of securities
UCITs and non-UCITs funds
financial restructuring
project finance
This service includes:
choice of corporate form
start-up companies
corporate governance
corporate ownership and management
shareholder agreements
joint ventures
drafting shareholder agreements
legal expertise of commercial agreements
Our work in this practice area includes:
research and legal opinions
peaceful settlements
Our expertise in this area includes:
tax structures
customs and excise duties
transfer pricing
double taxation treaties
capital controls
cross-border tax issues
We work extensively helping other companies to monitor the quality of their contract employees
Литьевые пенополиуретановые формы
Наши кресла созданы с использованием технологии инъекционного полиуретанового состава, приносящей ряд ключевых преимуществ для комфорта и длительного использования
Эргономичная форма
Management department
Надежный металлический каркас
Professional department
Узнать больше
High quality
Annual design conference to discuss the role of technologies in everyday life
Annual design conference to discuss the role of technologies in everyday life
Annual design conference to discuss the role of technologies in everyday life